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Shalom Aleichem and welcome to my bi-monthly blog!

In this and my next podcast, we will consider how what God wants to say to us can be discerned from the Bible when we approach it through the perspective of the 7 Days of Creation, by first understanding how God sees Time.

In the spiritual realm, there is no time. What we see happening on earth have all reached completion and are finished. There is no beginning and no end - all is one and done. Moreover, everything is perfect and at rest.

Only God can bring about this perfect unity, because it is an expression of His perfect, complete and finished will. This is the full meaning of the Hebrew word Shalom, summing up for us what it means to be in heaven in God's eternal presence.

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Shalom Aleichem and welcome to my bi-monthly blog!

Previously, we touched on the idea of God's Rhema and Kairos as it applied in our personal lives. But more importantly, God does not only speak to us personally but collectively as His people. In fact, the Bible is primarily His message to Israel, the Church and the world.

His purpose is so that we understand the times we live in and know what we, together as one Body of Christ, should do. There is an example of this in the Old Testament account of the men of Issachar. May we be like them - to hear, understand and act decisively as one Body of Christ in light of His Rhema and will.

Link to presentation.


Shalom Aleichem and welcome to the first of my bi-monthly YouTube blog posts!

I have named my blog “From Now to Eternity”, because I believe the time has come for us to proclaim God’s living word, His Rhema, in this, His Kairos or appointed time. I pray that this blog will serve as an ongoing journal to equip and encourage all whom the Lord calls, to keep the faith until He returns to bring us back to eternity.

In this blog post, we will look at the concepts Rhema and Kairos in order to better understand why we believe that God has an urgent Word for His people today. We are not talking about God's Logos or eternal Word, but His specific Word or message to us at this point of time in history.

Come, listen and understand!

Link to presentation.

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