Shalom Aleichem and welcome to the Issachar B7D Fellowship!
For those of you who follow my Shabbat blog, you will know that I have spent the past fifty Shabbats unpacking how God has an urgent word for His people today so that, like the men of Issachar, we understand the times and know what we should do. As we journeyed through the Bible together, we discovered how what God wants to speak to us is apparent in His Word when considered through the perspective of the 7 Days of Creation. My prayer is that you have been richly blessed for spending your precious time with me as the Holy Spirit illuminates your mind and convicts your heart of what is to come and how we are to respond in obedience to Him.
For those of you who are new to my blog, I pray that you will be stirred in your heart to discover God's truth for yourself by journeying through these short Shabbat sessions (numbered #1-50), most of which are just 5-8 minutes long. However, if you are hard-pressed for time or you want to have an overview first to discern if this is truly of God before delving into it in detail, you can view this 40-minute video instead. I encourage you to pray for God's protection and for the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth. And for those who have journeyed with me, you can also view this video as a refresher of sorts to be able to see the entire picture in one sitting.
I look forward to seeing you all again in the Jewish New Year, as we faithfully prepare and await for our Lord's soon return.
Link to presentation.
Read the book.