Shalom Aleichem and welcome to my bi-monthly blog!
The Creation Account gives us a framework with which to recognise when God will act in His Kairos. It thus gives us a unique Biblical perspective of world history. History is not just a series of accidents and coincidences or intentional or unintentional human causes and effects. It is His-story - God’s story in action, revealing His sovereign will and hand at work over everything that happens in the world.
But God doesn’t just want us to see Him at work. He wants to tell us what to do in light of what He is doing in the world. For this reason, the Creation Account also reveals God’s Rhema for us in view of the times that we live in. The Bible is God’s story in revelation. Through the Creation Account, each Kairos generation receives a fresh understanding of the Bible and knowledge of what to do according to His eternal will here on earth.
Let us listen as we join together with God to bring about the outworking of His eternal plan and will until everything is perfect and at rest.
Link to presentation.