The B7D message is now in a book format!

Shalom Aleichem!

Just a short note to announce with much thanksgiving and gladness that I have released a book version of the B7D message, compiling the entire 50-session series of my podcasts.

You can download the manuscript here in PDF or EPUB format.

I have also made it available as an e-Book (where I am required to list it at a minimum price of US$0.99) and also a printed paperback version (US$5.99) at Kindle/Amazon as well as other major online and print distributors worldwide. The royalty is negligible, as my main purpose is to use these platforms to spread God's Rhema for His people in this Kairos. As the cost of shipping a single paperback copy can be expensive, if you are in Singapore, you can contact me directly to get a hardcopy.

"So is My word [God's Rhema] that goes out from my mouth:

It will not return to Me empty,

but will accomplish what I desire

and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." - Isaiah 55:11

Yes and Amen!